Better Vex Spy Bot Video

Saturday, February 2, 2008

VEX Mystery Robots?

Are mystery configurations included in basic Vexplorer Kit?

If you purchased and assembled the VEXplorer Robot Base Kit (or perhaps have downloaded the PDF's from VexLabs) you may have noticed that Page 17 of the VEXplorer Assembly guide there are two alternate robot configuration drawings shown.

For our purposes here I will refer to them as Alternate Configuration 1 (or A1) or A2

A1, being represented by the strange six wheeled climer or battlebot type robot shown at the top of the page.

And, A2 - Spybot, which is show on the lower part of the page from the manual and also in the files that accompany one of Grant Imaharas' recent articles on the VEXplorer in Bot Magazine.

(And again below, looks like this)

Do you have any feedback on what you think A1 is designed for?

A2 is obvously a spy-bot but A2's functions are not as clear to me.

We are currently planning to convert our Vexplorer to the A2- Spy-Bot configutation for your review.


New Builder

PS: If anyone has information on how these configurations or drawing came into being or if you have completed them, we would greatly appreciate any information or feedback you may have.

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