Better Vex Spy Bot Video

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Vexplorer Represents Huge Value in Robotics

You are probably already aware that Revell Models has teamed up with robotics development ginat Inovations First to deliver the first full feature hobby class (not toy) robot that combines the following features and capabilities at an incredible price. To top if off they also offer a number of optional kits to enhace the robot.

Let's look at the capabilities bundle inton the basic unit,

1. Color Remote Video Camera with sound (for spying and remote/telemetric opeation of robot).

2. Advanced and supprisingly powerful Gripper with Motorized are. Easily graps objects and lists 20oz beverage containers with aplomp.

VEXplorer Gripper

3. Awsome 6-Wheel powered drive with twin engines (Tank style driving contol). Advanced wheels and all-wheel drive make this thing pretty hard to stop (espessialy with on of the Power+ Hacks we'll talk about later.)

This robot can fetch full cans of soda(or beer), be operated remotely from another room and make it over most floor obstacles for a suggested retail price of $249.00. Shoot we paid $175.00 for our kit at the local Fred Meyers Dept. Store and I've heard that onetime Amazon mistakenly offered them for considerably less. A google search will show prices and suppliers.

Comming up: (Let's make it better!)

So far you can probably tell that we are very pleased with the VEXplorer Robot, and that is true. It wasn't long though before we began to look at performance enhancements and upgrades which we'll civer in the next blog. The Vex wrist kit has been installed for weeks and throughly lested. We'll blog that soon. Also we did extensive research and compairisons with possibly battery types to enhace speed. And the use of alternate flashlights.

Have fun,

New Builder

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